Sunday, September 12, 2010

Are You Ready For Some Football????

Football season has begun for the boys! Zach is playing heavy weight tackle football. In the past years, Zach has been red-striped, meaning he could not carry or advance the ball. Well this is the first year where they separate the "heavy weights" from the "light weights". So now he can carry the ball & he is LOVING it! His first game he scored his first 2 points ever from a conversion. Then his second game he got to play in the Metrodome (or Mall of America Dome... sorry, it will always be the "Metrodome" to me!). And Zach scored his first touchdown! Then he also got another 2 point conversion as well. He's sure having a blast!

At the Metrodome

Right after his 1st touchdown

And this is how Sean (& friends) prefer to watch the game...
Sean is also playing flag football this season. What a difference from last year! Last year it seemed that he would just run around & try to look busy. This year he gets it & is understanding the plays. I am sure it helps that now his & Zach's favorite thing to do is watch football games on TV together. But Sean had his first game of the season yesterday & scored his first touchdown too! He ran it 40yards! He was very pleased with himself (& loved following in Zach's footsteps).

Little Seaners...

There he goes...

After the touchdown, Sean's famous words, "Y.E.S!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I love the picture of Zach from behind.