Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy Golden Birthday, Lauryn!

My baby girl turned 13 on the 13th of June!  Hard to believe I have a teenager in the house.  The years have gone by so incredibly fast.  I have marveled at all the stages of her life & can't believe how amazing she has grown up.  She is quite the little lady!

We had a fun time celebrating her birthday.  We had 13 surprises ready for her when she woke up, starting with decorating her bedroom door while she slept, making her favorite meals, hidden gifts around the house, her birthday cheesecake, & ending with our gift to her; a tennis bracelet (gold!).  I think she had a great day!

Since I've done it for Zach & Sean already, I wanted to post pictures of Lauryn through the years.  It sure was fun to reminisce! 

 1 year

 2 years

 3 years

 4 years

 5 years

 6 years

 7 years

 8 years

 9 years

 10 years

 11 years

 12 years

Actual birthday - 13 years old!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looking forward to mutual licking, touching, sucking for hours then I get your sweet little arse and p---y one more year as 14 is too old for me I like my p---y yung