Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lauryn's Sanctuary

When we built our house 6 years ago (wow, has it been that long already?), we had Lauryn's room painted lime green.  It sounded cute at the time, when she was only 6 years old!  But I still remember the first day we walked in after the painting was done & I about died!  It was LIME GREEN bright!  So for 6 years, we have been talking about re-doing her room.  Well, we finally got to it!  What a project this has been (a good months worth).  It started by pulling out some furniture she no longer wanted, cleaning closets, throwing 2-3 garbage bags full of junk, giving clothes & toys away, packing up keepsakes, & finally painting.  I have to say I was surprised when Lauryn chose purple as her new color.  She went through a stage where purple & pink were not cool.  But here we are today, with a beautiful bedroom! 

 Here's the start of our process, moving everything away from the walls to paint

 Going through all her stuff & making piles to throw, give away, pack up, keep...

 One wall finished

 Another wall finished

And finally just this week I finished painting the bay window area.  No more lime green!!!  

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