Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Minneapolis Duathlon

Jim & I participated in another hard race... The Minneapolis Duathlon. Okay, since I am in training for two marathons coming up, I did NO biking what-so-ever to prepare myself for this. And let me tell you, it was HARD! So we started off by running 3 miles, then biking 18 miles, then back to running another 3 miles. I could not believe how hard it is when you get off a bike after 18 miles & have to move your legs to run. I used to tease Jim during his triathlons that I didn't understand why he would be walking at the start of his run. Well, now I get it! It takes awhile to get your legs back in to the swing of running. Needless to say, it was a good time and we enjoyed spending time with our friends again!
Here's our group... We had to be there by 7:30 to have our bikes set up in transition area, but then some of our waves were not set to go off until 9:30. Even though we jumped in to an earlier wave time, we had a lot of down time before the race started!

At the finish... Cindy, Jim, Me, Jen, James, Carol, & Todd

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