Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Minneapolis Duathlon

Jim & I participated in another hard race... The Minneapolis Duathlon. Okay, since I am in training for two marathons coming up, I did NO biking what-so-ever to prepare myself for this. And let me tell you, it was HARD! So we started off by running 3 miles, then biking 18 miles, then back to running another 3 miles. I could not believe how hard it is when you get off a bike after 18 miles & have to move your legs to run. I used to tease Jim during his triathlons that I didn't understand why he would be walking at the start of his run. Well, now I get it! It takes awhile to get your legs back in to the swing of running. Needless to say, it was a good time and we enjoyed spending time with our friends again!
Here's our group... We had to be there by 7:30 to have our bikes set up in transition area, but then some of our waves were not set to go off until 9:30. Even though we jumped in to an earlier wave time, we had a lot of down time before the race started!

At the finish... Cindy, Jim, Me, Jen, James, Carol, & Todd

Muddy Buddy

Jim & I, along with some friends, had a great time racing in the Muddy Buddy. Although it was SUPER fun, it was one of the hardest races I have ever done. Lets just say the WHOLE thing is up hill at Afton Alps Ski Area. So the race works like this... You have a partner (Jim & I were team Mud Wiser). One partner (Jim) starts by biking, while the other partner (I) start by running. You both race until you come to the first obstacle. Jim obviously beat me there, he did the obstacle, & then left the bike & started running. Once I run up to the obstacle, I do it as well, then jump on the bike & off to the next obstacle. So we keep leap frogging each other the whole race. Well, even when it was your turn to bike, the hills were so steep, you couldn't bike. I ended up pushing my bike up the hill. Then for the short while that I had a steep down hill, I wiped out on my bike and it freaked me out. So I ended up pretty much walking down the hills as well. I guess I have no sense of adventure in my bones because others were just flying by me! Then for the last obstacle, you wait for your partner and together, crawl through the mud pit. It was FUN!!!The group before hand (Vettels, Us, Postons)
The mud pit

Jim & I at the finish

The messy group afterward

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Sean! This kid comes up with some of the funniest things! We have titled his comments as "Seanisms" in our house. We sure appreciate the good laughs. So, wanted to share a few...

*"Man, I L.O.V.E. the smell of waffles in the morning!" (when it is after noon)

*On a road trip, the boys are fighting & fighting. I finally tell them I have heard enough. At this point Sean starts crying & saying how he wishes he had never been born and how Zach has ruined his life. So I respond by telling him how sad that makes me feel because we have worked so hard to give him an amazing life and that we love him & Zach so much. And how important family is... So he replies with, "Well..., I'm just so sick & tired of people treating me like I am a Little Man!" What do you even say to that??? :)

*So I have been trying so hard to not have Sean eat PB&J for lunch during the summer since he eats it EVERY single day of the school year. So finally one day we needed to pack up lunches & I made PB&J. While Sean is devouring this sandwich he says, "I love peanut butter & jelly sandwiches... This is just heavenly!"

*We have some family friends that also enjoy "seanisms" and one day the Dad says to Sean that he needs to talk with him so that he can share it with his family and they can talk about it while sitting around the table that night. To which Sean replies, "That is just precious!"

We just love this "Little Man"!

Lauryn's photos

I tell you... I don't know when this girl grew up? I think I woke up one day & she was a little adult! We finally got her 12 year pictures taken, and I can't believe how grown up she looks. I have had so many people ask me what happened to her baby years? There must be something magical about 12 for girls! Anyway, wanted to share our top pick of pictures...


Our family had an amazing night together, eating dinner downtown and then seeing the show Wicked. Lauryn & I had already seen it, but when we heard it was coming to town again, we encouraged the boys to see it too! Jim said it was the best play he has ever seen??? The boys both loved it too, despite the fact that they probably don't even realize how it ties in with the Wizard of Oz. If you haven't seen it... Highly recommended!!!

The kids: Sean, Zach, & Lauryn

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

14th Anniversary

14 years ago today, I married the man of dreams. I am so lucky that still today he is the man of my dreams & my very best friend! It's amazing all that we have experienced together in 14 years. I look forward to all the years we still have ahead of us...
Jim & I had a fun day today together, celebrating our Anniversary. First we went to the gym & worked out. Then I got to plan something fun for the day & Jim got to plan something fun for the day. So for my plans... I lined up a couples massage. It was wonderful! For those of you that like DEEP tissue (there's no falling asleep during this type of massage)... You have to go to Massage Retreat in Plymouth & see either Nacole or Tracy. There were moments I wanted to jump off the table, but once it was done, my muscles felt wonderful! It was well needed with all the running & strain I put on my legs.

After our massages, we went to lunch at Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill in St. Louis Park. Another great recommendation! We had a good time. The bar is really cool!

So then after lunch it was Jim's turn to plan something & he took me to the shooting range. Today I shot a gun for the first time. I shot a .38 special & a glock. I was so nervous! I have to say that although I am super glad I tried it, I don't think it's all for me. Jim thinks I just need to get more comfortable with it, but that only sounds like he plans to take me out to shoot more??? We'll see?

After our massages, lunch, & shooting..., we came home to swim, eat dinner, & head out to Sean's soccer game. It was a wonderful Anniversary!

(Our annual Anniversary picture)