Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So much to tell...

Wow, it has been so long since I have updated my blog. I feel like I have so much to share...

First of all, Jim and I had the honor of being our new little nephew's Godparents. We enjoyed a weekend in Milwaukee, meeting Edward and celebrating in his Baptism! He sure is one cute baby!

Edward's Baptism

We've also been really busy with the kids sports! Lauryn played for 2 different softball teams. Her school team was slow pitch & that has finished up now. They ended up taking 3rd place for the season. Now she is still busy playing on the city league's fast pitch team. She is really doing well! Zach made the AAA traveling baseball team. So we are traveling all over for his games during the week and on weekends. They've qualified for State already, taking 3rd place at one of the tournaments. He's also busy playing 3 on 3 basketball one night a week as well. Sean is also playing baseball on the house league for the city. He sure enjoys the time with his friends and wants so badly to do good every time he is up to hit or a ball gets hit his way. It's all about having fun though, isn't it!?!?

Jim & I have also been busy with multiple races. We both ran the Maple Grove half marathon together. Then I just ran the Minneapolis full marathon a few weeks ago. That makes 7 marathons completed for me. It was such an amazing experience, running it with one of my dearest friends. It was her first marathon and so we had a fun time, training together & finishing together as well. Jim just finished his first half Iron Man! He had a blast and plans to do it again next summer! That man never ceases to amaze me. The doctor keeps telling him he NEEDS to be done and give those knees some rest, but Jim keeps pushing on. It's hard to give up the things you love doing, I guess? We both have quite a few more things on our calendar for the summer and fall. So training will keep right on going...

Maple Grove finish & Mpls Marathon

Jen & I at Mpls & some more friends and family at the finish line

Jim's swim... (1.2 miles) The bike.... (56 miles)

The run... (13.1 miles)

The finish! 70.3 miles!

We are also VERY happy that summer is here & school is out. Every year I take a picture of the kids on the first day of school & on the last. It's always fun to see how much they have grown in one school year:

First day.... Last day....

And I have to post this picture because it is our tradition that after taking the pictures that I want to get, I let the kids make their silly faces. This one is priceless... As the boys go all out with the silly face, Lauryn rolls her eyes and asks why we have to do this!

We also have celebrated 3 big birthday's at our house in June. Libby turned 2 years old on the 7th. Howie turned 1 year old on the 8th. We celebrated with some canned food and new toys. But most importantly, Lauryn turned 12 years old on the 13th! We had a surprise birthday party for Lauryn this year with just a few girls. She had a good time, tie-dying softball socks, doing a scavenger hunt, swimming in the pool, and having a sleep over.

Libby & Howie

Lauryn, being surprised & The gang

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