Monday, January 25, 2010

An Eventful Night...

Well, I have to admit... I am a fair-weather Vikings Fan! I enjoyed following the wins through the season when the boys talked about the games... But for the most part, Lauryn & I had our shopping time during every game. Yet, last night we watched the game with friends & had a great time. Although the loss was a bummer, it was fun to hang out with friends & indulge in way too much food. Here is the family, all decked out in our Vikings apparel.
But the excitement during the game came when we decided it was time for Sean to lose his two front teeth that have been dangling for over a month. On Christmas break, the dentist told me he thought they would fall out within a week & yet there they still were. So, we got out the floss & talked him in to it. I think he only did it because he didn't want to back down in front of friends! So he let our friend James pull out the first tooth. Then he let our friend Jen pull out the second one. Jen got video of it & it was hilarious. Anyway, the tooth fairy was very generous since he was so brave & lost two at the same time. But he sure looks cute with his tooth-less smile!

1 comment:

Vettel Family said...

OH Little S! That was a fun night!