Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Home from Colorado

We had a wonderful time in Colorado; visiting family, site seeing, hiking, relaxing, hot tubing, enjoying the fire pit out back, playing baseball, taking the dogs to the dog park... What more could we ask for in a vacation? The weather was gorgeous - 80's & higher all week. It sure gets even hotter in the Rockie Mountains. Yet, we always love the cool evenings that CO has. We have to ask ourselves every time we leave, why we don't just move there?

Jim was asked to be his nephew's Confirmation sponsor. What an honor. So we celebrated Jason's Confirmation as well while we were there.

Here are some pictures:

Red Rocks Park: Zach, Jim, Lauryn, & Sean
One of our hiking trips: Lauryn, Zach, Sean, Me, Liberty, & Jim
The Collins gang that were able to make it for Jason's Confirmation (this is only about half the family)

And... can't forget the dogs... who became fast friends: Libby & Max!

1 comment:

Vettel Family said...

Colorado looks beautiful! Sounds like you had great family time. Their dog is cute. Looks like it does have some beagle in it. Doesn't look like the Coonhound/beagle mixes I saw at the Humane Society. This one looks smaller.