Saturday, June 27, 2009

And just when we thought baseball was over...

What a great season Zach's baseball team had. First, they won the mid-season tournaments... And now today, they also won the end of year tournament. Both times, beating the number one seeded team. They had to play hard to win. Zach played wonderful; starting with a well needed triple hit and then having two awesome tag outs at third base. The whole team played so well together today. It was so much fun to watch. And, just when we thought the baseball season was over and getting ready for soccer to start up... We make it to the State Tournament in August! So, one more month of practice and another full weekend of baseball:)

getting his trophy

proud of that trophy

The number ONE team!


One of our favorite seasons... baseball and softball! We had a great time watching all three kids play this year. Although we had many nights where two were off to different games and practices, we enjoyed watching them improve and have so much fun. Sean's highlight was hitting a double. Lauryn's highlight was hitting a triple. And Zach's highlight was his home run and many triples. All kids did very well!
Here is Sean, getting ready to run in to home from third base.

Lauryn, playing 3rd base. She had a great catch right before this picture!

Zach, winding up to pitch the ball...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lauryn's 11th Birthday!

Wow, I just can not believe that Lauryn has turned 11 years old already! She is turning in to quite the little lady. This year she was excited to have a birthday party in the pool! The girls all had a great time.

All the party girls:
Lauryn chose to have Ice Cream Sundae's instead of cake. Here she is enjoying hers:

How Sweet!

Well, isn't this surprising? I have NO idea how Sean finagled his way in to this one? Jim is usually such a stickler about not letting the kids sleep in our bed. So, when I walked in late one night to find this:I couldn't help but thinking, "HOW SWEET!"

Last Day of School 2009

Boy, I am really off on my blogging. I completely missed the kids last day of school, on June 4th. Here they are the morning of:

This year was pretty exciting because both the boys received the Principles Award! Each class chooses one boy & one girl to be honored with this award... Well, Zach got it in Mrs. Even's 3rd Grade and Sean got it in Mrs. White's Kindergarten. They were both very excited, as this was a surprise and they did not know about it until their names were called. Jim & I were very proud of them!

Hard to believe that next year Lauryn will be in SIXTH grade, Zach in FOURTH grade, and Sean in FIRST! Where does time go?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy Birthday, Libby!

Libby turned 1 year on June 7th! We celebrated by taking her to the pet store & buying her some new toys and a birthday treat. We wanted to take her to the dog park, but it was so wet & muddy. So, she had to do with a walk near home. We had a good laugh though because Lauryn had spent some time making Libby a birthday card, and Libby enjoyed it by chewing it up!

Lauryn's card to Libby:

The Birthday Girl:

Tour de Cure

One of our great family friends was diagnosed with diabetes a few years back. This year Jim & I biked with her and some other friends to help the diabetes cause. Together we raised $3055.00! Although the bike ride ended a little wet, we had a beautiful scenic ride and a great time!

Tiffeny, Jim, Me, Mary, Jen, Diana

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Home from Colorado

We had a wonderful time in Colorado; visiting family, site seeing, hiking, relaxing, hot tubing, enjoying the fire pit out back, playing baseball, taking the dogs to the dog park... What more could we ask for in a vacation? The weather was gorgeous - 80's & higher all week. It sure gets even hotter in the Rockie Mountains. Yet, we always love the cool evenings that CO has. We have to ask ourselves every time we leave, why we don't just move there?

Jim was asked to be his nephew's Confirmation sponsor. What an honor. So we celebrated Jason's Confirmation as well while we were there.

Here are some pictures:

Red Rocks Park: Zach, Jim, Lauryn, & Sean
One of our hiking trips: Lauryn, Zach, Sean, Me, Liberty, & Jim
The Collins gang that were able to make it for Jason's Confirmation (this is only about half the family)

And... can't forget the dogs... who became fast friends: Libby & Max!