Thursday, March 26, 2009

Auction for Education

Every year our school has an Auction for Education (this year hosted by close friends; Vettels & Cheasicks) that we attend. This is a fundraiser our church & school have to raise money for all religious programs. But, any time you get a bunch of Catholics together, you know there will be some good drinking involved! And when drinking is involved, people are always more generous with their money!!! This years theme was the 80's. We had such a good time dressing up. Jim dressed up like Devo, while I dressed up like the Robert Palmer girls. The auction did a great job of raising just over $95,000.

Jim & I
The Devo Group: Chris, Jim, Todd, & Mark

The Palmer Group: Carol, Me, Sharon, & Kevin

Sharon, Me, & Carol

1 comment:

Wahlin Family said...

Looks like fun. Cute pictures!!