Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lauryn's meal

Lauryn made a delicious meal! She chose to go with the Asian theme, and she made Mandarin Orange chicken, noodles, fruit-ka-bobs, fortune cookies, and pockys. She pretty much was able to do the whole thing by herself and I enjoyed the time with her, teaching her how to use the oven and stove top safely.

Here she is, getting the chicken ready to get in the oven.
The spread... fruit of your choice, chicken, noodles, pocky, and fortune cookies. Hers was a well planned, thought out meal! We did this meal "buffet style".

And, the chop sticks really did fit this meals theme!

Lauryn's plate. Everyone really enjoyed it!

Next up, Sean???


Simones said...

Looks good! I want the recipe!

Becky said...

i am giggling at the kids food selection and your music selection! ha ha!! i may try that sometime... 2015 sounds like a good year!