Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's a... GIRL!

Welcome Liberty (Libby)! Yesterday, Jim & I drove to Des Moines, IA to pick up our newest member of our family. She is 7 weeks old and just about the sweetest thing there is! She did so well on our 4 hour drive home. I, of course, enjoyed every minute of holding her:) It was so cute, when we pulled in the drive way, the kids were all waiting outside to meet her. Lauryn's smile was priceless. She was grinning from ear to ear. I don't recall ever seeing her as excited for anything! Libby had a great first night. She woke up two times, went out to do her business, and then was perfectly content with going right back in the crate to sleep. Now today the kids are enjoying her and she is fitting right in. I think she has got to be the most laid back puppy ever. We are so lucky!!! These pictures don't show her true size well. She is just a tiny thing right now. I have to savor this because she'll be big in a matter of weeks! I can't wait for everyone to meet her. And for those far away, I'm sure I'll be posting updated pictures often. (As I write this, she is sleeping on my lap and I am in heaven!)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Will it ever happen?

*** Do you think that helmet will protect his nogin?***
Okay, I do not get how Sean can be FIVE years old, and still not know how to ride his bike without training wheels. It baffles me because Zach was practically on two wheels before he was walking:) But Sean is just a wee bit more cautious than Zach and just does not have that desire to roam fast & free. He is perfectly content with the training wheels. So, for now, we will keep it a work in progress...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer Travels

Well, I finally took the time to organize pictures! Our family (along with Jim's Mom, 3 of his siblings, & their families) just spent 2 weeks in Ireland. We pretty much traveled the whole island. It was a wonderful experience and the kids loved spending time with their cousins that they never get to see. The scenery is beautiful. Our family has unanimously agreed that the Ring of Kerry & Giants Causeway were our two favorite places to see. But then we were home for one week and off to a cabin for a week with my family. What a different change of pace from Ireland. We slept in every day... Relaxed in the sun... (unlike all the rain & cold in Ireland) Spent time on the lake... Ate way too much! Again, the kids enjoyed time with family and cousins. It sure feels good to be home now. I can't believe how much laundry I have had. I guess it is inevitable with 3 active kids.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Well, I finally decided it was time to start our own family blog. We are hoping to keep it up to date so that all our family & friends can share in our busy lives. There is always something new & adventuresome happening here! Enjoy:)